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LIFE TIPS Updated: December 18, 2023

6 Tips for Sticking to Your Goals in the New Year

Article by Adam Fenster
6 Tips For Sticking to Your Goals in the New Year

They say that roughly half of the people make resolutions each year, fueled by good intentions of changing their behavior in some way. While some of these people are able to follow-through and achieve their goals, a majority of us are not as successful and fall comfortably into old habits.

If now is the time when your list of 2024 goals is starting to seem like a daunting list of to-dos on a piece of paper instead of something real and achievable — keep reading. How do you push past the familiar and turn that goal-setting momentum into motion? We’ve outlined ways for you to stay on track into six manageable steps that can keep you moving toward accomplishing your goals. Yes, really.

Tip #1: Share your goal with others.

Ask yourself who are the most likely people in your life to support and encourage you while also helping to hold you accountable for your new goals? For many, friends and family may be at the top of the list. The point here is to publicly own your goals with your peers, colleagues, or those people in your life who you won’t want to let down. You can even schedule a deadline with them for reporting any updates as you make progress.

Tip #2: Visualize your end result.

Envision what achieving your goal will look and feel like. Creating a vision board of positive, motivational images and quotes is a smart tactic that can really help sustain your momentum. No need to spend a lot of money on this one. Repurpose existing materials that you have on hand like magazines, paper, old greeting cards — anything decorative that appeals to you.

Tip #3: Break down your goals into small steps.

The key here is to make each small step attainable. Set yourself up for success each week by establishing goals that are right for you and your schedule. Naturally, there may be times that other priorities (like work or family responsibilities) make it difficult for you to stay on track for that week, so allow yourself that change and get right back to business the next week. Breaking down large, complex goals into smaller, more manageable tasks is really important because this is where you’ll lay the groundwork for how you will complete each task within your goal.

Tip #4: Celebrate every step taken.

This is such an important tip that usually doesn’t get completed. Every time you take a small step toward your goal, let yourself feel good about it. While it’s easy to second-guess your own progress with thoughts of self-doubt, try doing just the opposite and see how even small celebrations can build enthusiasm for bigger future success.

Tip #5: Measure your progress.

When you reflect on the progress that you’ve made, make sure that you’re measuring it within your own metrics. These are your goals, unique to your hopes and dreams so resist the urge to gauge your progress through someone else’s timeline. Achieving your goal is more important than when you achieve it.

Tip #6: Believe in yourself!

The power of positive thinking is real. Remind yourself of your other accomplishments in life and let that fuel your motivation. Pretend for a moment that your friend approached you with the same goal and think about how you would react. You would likely shower that friend with support and high-fives for simply sharing their goals with you. Give yourself that same level of enthusiasm and support, even if you don’t always feel like it.

The year 2023 challenged many of us in ways we didn’t think possible — all the more reason to make this year your year to succeed. Accomplish your goals and start the year off right. Last year might have been tough, but you’re here and tougher for it!

Learn more about how you can make 2024 your year with a healthcare program at Ultimate Medical Academy (UMA). Ultimate Medical Academy is a nonprofit healthcare educational institution with a national presence. For over 29 years, we’ve offered healthcare education. With more than 63,000 alumni, we are institutionally accredited by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (

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About the Author

headshot of Adam FensterAdam Fenster

Adam Fenster is a senior copywriter at Ultimate Medical Academy, with journalism experience from his time as a reporter and editor for multiple online and print publications. Adam has been covering healthcare education since 2019, with an emphasis on topics such as wellness, healthcare employment, and job preparedness. He received his BA in journalism from the University of South Florida.

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