Catalog and Student Information
Catalog, Addendum & Supplements
- UMA Catalog (.pdf)
- Addendum to UMA Catalog (.pdf)
- Clearwater Campus Supplement to Catalog (.pdf)
- Online Campus Supplement to Catalog (.pdf)
- Historical Versions of UMA Catalogs, Addenda and Supplements
Student Information & Disclosures
- Student Consumer Information / Right to Know (.pdf)
- Net Price Calculator
- CARES Disclosures
- Non-Discrimination Policy
- Accessibility Policy
- Cyberbullying Policy
- Academic Freedom Policy (.pdf)
BankMobile Disbursements Disclosures
Ultimate Medical Academy delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc.
For more information:
View our third-party servicer contract for refund management.
Textbook Information
Campus Security, Statistics & Policies
- Campus Crime Statistics – Clearwater (.pdf)
- Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention (.pdf)
- Biomedical/Exposure Control Plan (.pdf)
- Firearms Policy (.pdf)
- Dental Laboratory Radiation Safety (.pdf)
- Dental Laboratory Waste Management (.pdf)
- Healthcare Safety and HIPAA Training (.pdf)
- Radiation Safety (.pdf)
UMA Logos
Emergency Hotline: 844-862-2537
In case of any type of emergency, individuals making the discovery should first
move to a safe location and then contact UMA Alert (844-862-2537). Individuals
making the discovery may also contact 911, or take other appropriate emergency
actions. Initial responders should never intervene in any crime or dangerous
Emergency Weather Hotline: 877-308-6984
For weather related questions such as school closings / openings.
Sexual Misconduct, Title IX & Student Code of Conduct
For more information, pertaining to Title IX, Sexual Misconduct, Student Code of Conduct, and the most recent policy please see: UMA Catalog (.pdf).
- Sexual Harassment Prohibited by Title IX: Training for All Process Participants (.pdf)
- Navigating the Current State of Title IX (.pdf)
Cost of Attendance

College Finance Plan
Department of Education & Consumer Bureau Tools
To ensure that our prospective students are well informed on potential eligibility to receive federal military and veterans educational benefits with a personalized and standardized form1, we encourage our students to visit the following Department of Education and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau tools.
1 Federal military and veterans educational benefits with a personalized and standardized form as developed in a manner set forth by the Secretary of Education, working with the Secretaries of Defense and Veterans Affairs, to help those prospective students understand the total cost of the educational program, including tuition and fees; the amount of that cost that will be covered by Federal educational benefits; the type and amount of financial aid they may qualify for; their estimated student loan debt upon graduation; information about student outcomes; and other information to facilitate comparison of aid packages offered by different educational institutions.
Placement Rate
The placement rate(s) for the most recently reported cohort of students were calculated using the methodology of UMA’s accrediting body, ABHES (Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools). Placements may or may not be in the standard occupations published in these disclosures.
The method of calculation is as follows: (P)/(G - U) = P%
- P = Placed graduates
- G = Total graduates
- U = Graduates unavailable for placement*
- P% = Placement percentage
*Unavailable is defined only as documented: health-related issues, military obligations, incarcerations, continuing education status, or death.