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CAREER DEVELOPMENT Updated: January 23, 2023

5 Ways to Start Strong at Your New Job

Article by Adam Fenster
5 Ways to Start Strong at Your New Job

After the job hunt and interviewing, it may seem like your nerves can’t catch a break. Then comes the countdown to your first day on the job. You want to make a good first impression and set yourself up for future success.

Don’t worry. It’s normal to be nervous. Here are five things you can do right away to help you start strong and stand out:

  1. Act as though you’re still being interviewed.
    Getting hired is a huge milestone. It’s something worth being proud of. While you shouldn’t lose that sense of accomplishment, think of the first few months as an extended portion of the interview process.

    During the formal interview, you showed the organization why they should hire you — and you succeeded. Now, prove them right. Prove yourself.

    You likely only met a handful of people in the organization, maybe less, while interviewing. Now is your opportunity to show everyone else who doesn’t know you why you deserve the job.

  2. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
    Being independent is certainly a good trait to bring to a new job but remember that you’re still new. You won’t have all the answers. As important as it is to be self-sufficient, it’s equally as important to know when you need a helping hand.

    Asking questions can show that you really want to nail down the responsibilities of your job early on. It shows that you’re humble and can acknowledge the experience and value of others.

    The independence will develop over time. Don’t rush it.

  3. Go the extra mile whenever you can.
    While you don’t want to bite off more than you can chew, try to find opportunities where you can do more than what you were asked.

    Perhaps you have an idea about how to better optimize a process or maybe you notice someone else struggling with something you picked up quickly — help them out. You may not have all the answers, but you can have a great work ethic.

    Whatever the opportunity is, going out of your way can help make up for your lack of experience at the moment and shows others your enthusiasm for the position.

  4. Build relationships that matter.
    Don’t get too caught up in the work that you forget you have coworkers who you will likely spend most of your days with. You want to develop a good rapport with them and you might make a few friends in doing so.

    Engage in social activities (lunches, video chats, volunteering, etc.) when the opportunities present themselves. And, of course, be yourself.

  5. Remember why you were hired.
    As a new employee, there might be times where you doubt yourself and your capability in the role. That’s a common feeling to have but remember why you were hired.

    It’s unlikely that the organization expected you to be 100% perfect right off the bat. You were hired because they had faith in your capabilities. Because once you get past the learning period, which can be long, that you will develop into a valuable team member.

    Believe in yourself like they believed in you and show that you’re willing to work past adversity to grow into the job.

Throughout all these tips, hold on to your pride and excitement. Think of a new job as a new chapter in your professional career. You’ve made it this far, so you have it in you to keep going and continue your success!

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About the Author

headshot of Adam FensterAdam Fenster

Adam Fenster is a senior copywriter at Ultimate Medical Academy, with journalism experience from his time as a reporter and editor for multiple online and print publications. Adam has been covering healthcare education since 2019, with an emphasis on topics such as wellness, healthcare employment, and job preparedness. He received his BA in journalism from the University of South Florida.

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