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UMA Team Creates a Care Package for Troops

Members of the student finance team at Ultimate Medical Academy worked with to assemble a care package for American troops serving abroad. The team collected items requested by service members—mostly everyday amenities such as toothpaste, candy and magazines. They also included a handwritten thank-you card and a group photo.

“Our team decided to purchase these items and send a care package because we hear how much ‘the little things’ mean to the troops,” manager Brandy Branch said. “It’s easy to forget how meaningful the small things can be, and we wanted to show our appreciation for the sacrifices our troops make to keep us safe every day.”

“These types of activities shape our community of learning and spirit of philanthropy at Ultimate Medical Academy,” said Dan Soschin, vice president and chair pro-tem of UMA’s philanthropy initiatives at the nonprofit school. “From thoughtful care packages for the troops, to snacks that reduce hunger for local school children, to sponsoring and participating in Making Strides for Breast Cancer Awareness, UMA staff make an impact on the community at all levels by practicing good citizenship. We’re so proud that our team members show such dedication and initiative when it comes to philanthropy and appreciating our service personnel.”

For more ways in which UMA team members contribute to their communities, see our ever-growing list of community outreach projects.